From time to time, people ask me for a small sample of wheat seed to grow in their home plots. Since all of the wheat I've propagated from seed libraries has been given to me free of charge, I do not charge for archival amounts of seed. Here is my policy on research seed:
Inquire using our contact form to find out if I currently have what you want.
Order any product from the website. At checkout, include a note requesting the seed, and I'll return it with your order.
Don't try too much at once! There are too many people who tried managing multiple varieties and ended up losing everything.
For quantities larger than 5 gm, please purchase wheat berries from our store.
Have fun. Some of this seed is centuries old, and it's very special!

Maintained Varieties (as of Fall 2021):
Wisconsin Pedigree No 2
Red Fife
Early Red Fife
Haynes Bluestem
Red May
Early Noe
Older Stock: