Kitchen Sink Cookies (everything but the...) Ingredients: • 1 1⁄2 cup butter • 1 cup dark brown sugar • 1⁄2 cup honey or maple syrup • 1 1⁄2 teaspoon vanilla • 2 eggs • 1⁄2 teaspoon baking soda • 1⁄2 teaspoon baking powder • 1 teaspoon salt • 3⁄4 cup buckwheat flour • 1⁄2 cup water • 1 1⁄2 cup rolled oats, should be rolled the day you use it • 1 1⁄2 cup (or so) of turkey red 100% extraction flour • 10 oz DARK chocolate chips (recommend Guittard) • 1 cup chopped pecans or walnuts Cream the butter and sugar/honey with the vanilla first, then beat in the eggs with the salt, soda, and powder. Buckwheat flour is a little strange to mix in so I recommend putting it in before the water. After the buckwheat flour is mixed in you can add the water and mix again. BTW I have never used an electric mixer to make these cookies. After the water is mixed in, the oats and flour can be addeed. Keep adding flour until the consistency is right. Buckwheat flour is great if you can get it but if not just use more regular flour. Oat flour, which you can make by putting rolled oats into an osterizer, will also do wonders. In the past I have used rolled oats and oat flour in the same recipe. I've never really measured the wheat flour so 1 1⁄2 is just my best guess. Once you have the consistency you want, the chocolate chips and chopped nuts can go in. Refrigerate overnight. This is a critical and necessary step to get the bran to soak up butter and moisture. The batter will be stiffer the next day. I should mention that my friend Shawn has told me this step is totally unnecessary. Bake at 380 degrees for 8-9 minutes. I do not like what convection ovens do to these cookies, so I recommend regular baking on the middle or slightly above the middle oven rack. I also like to put the cookies onto a hot cookie sheet. Don't over bake them! That is a sin.